Jiyugaoka is only one out of the plethora of trendy neighborhoods within Tokyo. It is filled with an absurd amount of quirky shops, cozy cafes and nice restaurants that will surely keep you occupied for hours. However, there is one thing about Jiyugaoka that many people don’t talk about: there is bubble tea shop on almost every corner of the neighborhood. Unlike some other countries, the bubble tea craze is taking Japan by storm with new shops popping left, right and center nationwide. Depending on the shop, you may encounter lines that could rival theme parks. It truly is quite amazing.
Since there are way too many bubble tea shops within Tokyo alone, for this adventure, we have decided to head over to INCHA 印茶 in Jiyugaoka to try out three of their signature drinks. Click on the play button up top to see what it’s all about!
*Also huge shout out to INCHA 印茶 who kindly let us film in their shop! If you’re interested in visiting INCHA 印茶 yourself, their details are down below.